Summary of current readership research

Summary of current readership research

The new report is the twelfth edition of the “Summary of Current Readership Research”, first prepared for the Readership Research Symposium in New Orleans 1981 and then up-dated for all subsequent Symposia. This Summary covers in detail 91 total audience national readership surveys in 71 countries.

The basic format of the Summary stays unchanged. Six summary tables are followed by the detailed matrix in six distinct colour-coded sections, dealing with the methodological aspects of readership surveys. The Summary aims to document current practices and compare them with each other, in a schematic way. It is not saying what is right and what is wrong. By providing this source of information, we hope to raise awareness of the various methodological solutions in use and try to contribute to the worldwide improvement of readership measurement methods, as appropriate.

An additional section at the end gives brief details of other major readership surveys, most of which are designed to provide readership data amongst special populations. The list of surveys in this last section is far from complete. We hope however that it will be found useful. The final section lists the contact addresses of the 91 organisations whose survey details are included in the main part of this report.

Published 2005. A4 Paperback 311 pages.